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Reno Divorce Attorney Marilyn York

I've known Reno divorce attorney Marilyn York for about 6 years now.  I've seen her work on all sorts of divorce and family law cases, and she has done work for my family a number of times.  I wanted to put up this site as a thank you to Marilyn for all of the hard work and energy she has put in over the years, and to let other people know that I think she's the best divorce lawyer in Reno, Nevada.  Below are some testimonials from other people who think so too...

From: "Rob Johnston" <oppressednomore@...com>
Date: December 7, 2007 9:43:41 AM PST
To: marilyn@marilynyork.net
Subject: Sharing My Child Custody Experience

I must admit, when I first saw Marilyn’s yellow page ad, I didn’t know if her practice truly
provided this much hope and empowerment, or if it was simply playing off the desperation
of fathers. After my interview, however, I realized that Marilyn and her firm were indeed, well
qualified for representation. I literally stopped my attorney interview process right then.
My divorce and custody case was very complex and hampered with malicious
accusations. Systematically, though, I prevailed in almost every single aspect up for decision
including custody. Moreover, I additionally attained attorney fee awards. Marilyn’s
representation was paramount in these decisions and I owe it to her firm’s approach of not
just basing their practice off the law, but also off of a conviction of principle, and other
intrinsic standards that help guide a zealous representation to a respectable conclusion.
Another concern put to rest, was how Marilyn’s representation was able to repeatedly
overcome whatever surfaced from a stereotypical “shark” attorney serving as opposing
counsel. Marilyn has always taken the “high-road” approach without compromising my
interests, rights, or what simply made sense. Family Court would be a much better place if
there were more attorneys involved in this system representative of her standards and
I have always been proud and honored to be represented by Marilyn. I will always be in
awe of Marilyn and her firm’s ability, integrity and intelligence. Additionally, I will always be
indebted to Marilyn’s representation, patience, humor, and especially… her unwavering belief
in me as a person and a father.

Robert Johnston
Reno, Nevada


Sequence a different Testimonial


MarilynYork.net - Marilyn's law firm's website

TheMarilynYorkShow.com - Marilyn's Saturday Morning call-in Radio show on 1270 The Buzz.












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